There’s nothing magic about the number 12

Everyone “knows” that strength work is 6-8 reps, hypertrophy is 12-15 reps and anything above that is for ‘toning’...


There is so many variables that change wether the work you’re doing is more conducive to strength or hypertrophy (the tempo of your movements / the structure of the rest of the workout / nutrition around the workout / whether the set is to failure or not etc) TRUST ME just banging out 8 reps at your normal speed versus banging out 12 reps at your normal speed probably isn’t making a single difference to the effect you’re eliciting.
I love to flesh things out and explain the details in these posts but this is a big one so I’ll cover it over the next few posts.
For now just understand your body doesn’t just know the difference between 9 reps and 12 reps - if you think you might be wasting your time in the gym YOU PROBABLY ARE. Get help from someone who knows what to do, let us sort it out for you!
Need help with your diet and training? Msg us!

Strength Lab - Personal Training, Body Transformation Coaching and Competition Preparation

Personal Training Hawthorn, Melbourne


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