The Royal Flush Of Fat Loss

When starting a Fat Loss phase you want to have plenty of cards to play to continuously get results throughout the phase. Coming out of the gates flying playing every card at once gives you no where to go down the track when you start to plateau.
The cards in your hand are...
♠️ Your Calorie Deficit
♥️ Your Training
♣️ Your Cardio
♦️ Your NEAT
If you start out on really low calories, hitting cardio everyday, training 6-7 times a week and steps (NEAT) far above your normal level, you’re more likely to run yourself into the ground then have a successful fat loss phase.
Starting these at a moderate level with allow room to move, be one very useful tool as your body becomes efficient in what it is doing week to week and begins to plateau. Being able to reduce calories, increase cardio, add a training session in and periodising your NEAT levels puts you in a great position to make adjustments along the way with out drastically increasing your work load.

Strength Lab - Personal Training, Body Transformation Coaching and Competition Preparation

Personal Training Hawthorn, Melbourne


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